One night about four years ago, I met a friend for a drink. He mentioned to someone that I had written the lyrics and half the music for the Jim Henson's Muppet Babies theme.  The people in the bar thought he was kidding and challenged me to sing it.  I started and within seconds everyone in the bar, about twenty people in their early thirties, joined in and I sensed my late friend, Jim Henson smiling somewhere.  Yesterday, while looking for clips to include I happened upon this short video which approximates that evening and makes me believe in the power of this little tune, written in my living room one night in 1984 with Rob Walsh.  Feel free to try this at your favorite gathering place.

"I'll Be Blue For You" was written to accompany my script "Faster Than A Speeding Wierdo" written when my mother passed away unexpectedly during season.  I asked Alan O'Day and Janis Liebhart , our songwriters, to write a song dealing with loss or fear of loss. I find the song and the episode itself very touching for anyone large or small facing this issue, as is the underlying lesson on consequences. 

Jim Henson the most empowering gentle spirit I have ever known.  We had a very special bond from almost the day we met. 

This song "You're Special To Me" was one of the show's most satisfying to both Jim Henson and myself, as it dealt nicely with kids who don't feel so special from time to time or even ever. Again, Janis and Alan hit the target to our collective delight.

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